Exterior Brand 

External CI-Elements

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The Mercedes-Benz pylon
This is the most important non building related element of the exterior brand identification the color and shape of all other modules are derived
from it. The pylon is always located at the entrance to the premises only, in a position where it can be clearly seen by car drivers passing by in both directions. Competing information signs or brand signs nearby should be avoided. The element may only contain the Mercedes star and the words Mercedes-Benz.

The Mercedes-Benz flag
Flags are used to identify the location and the brand from a distance. They should not be used inside the building or for decorative purposes. Flags are made of weather resistant sailcloth and are available in three different sizes. The Mercedes star is white on a blue background.



The Mercedes-Benz star module (wall-mounted)

The star module in a form similar to the one on the pylon and in various sizes can be used as an additional method of identification to the pylon or as an alternative to it. If the wall mounted version is used, the  architectural features of the building should be taken into account or utilized.

The Mercedes-Benz name panel

The Mercedes Benz name in the name panel is a major design element for a dealership, both in terms of its color and its shape. The panel is the second most important brand identification element. The name consists of prismatic letters made of translucent blue acrylic glass. The name panel is
not designed for a arrange effect and is installed at a height which is egible to pedestrians and car drivers, with letters no more than 1.2 meters high.

External direction signs

These information signs are designed to enable customers to find their way around easily and efficiently. They should be used extremely sparingly and only where they are absolutely necessary to facilitate direction finding. Information signs can be free standing, suspended or wall-mounted.